Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

upward dog

Lily loved seeing the lions at the Wild Animal Santuary

riding in the wagon with her buddy, Anna

Lily had a fun week.  She hung out with her friend Anna Friday while we went out and then Saturday we went to the Wild Animal Sanctuary.  Lily loved seeing the lions and the wagon ride with her buddy.  We also introduced Lily to Culver's cheese curds and custard on the way back to Denver.  A busy girl.  She is currently running around the house; jumping on Addie's bed, climbing on her stool to wash her hands, putting crayons in her shape sorter, hugging her lion, and throwing Addie's ball.  Not sure she has an off switch, but I will keep looking.

Friday, January 29, 2016

17 Months

I have two funny stories from the week to share. The other night Travis went to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal. Lily saw him get out the cereal and ran to her room. She came back holding a bowl and was raising it for Travis to fill. He couldn't turn that down. Why was her bowl in her room you may ask?  Lily likes to take her shopping cart and go "shopping" in the kitchen. I guess she knows just what she bought.

The other funny story is I put Lily's potty in her room as we had guests coming over and our bathroom is very small. I went to the bathroom and Lily again ran to her room and drug her potty into the bathroom, closed the door, and sat on her potty across from me. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Toddler Travels

Lily had her first plane ride with just mom and was such a trooper.  She screamed through security, but was an angel otherwise.  She did great on the plane and everyone commented about what a great traveler she is.  She even cooperated getting the rental car.  We got to visit her buddy, Lydia, and Lily was SO excited.  Her other favorite event has been playing with Keena, who she calls Aiden.  She also is enjoying reading the grandma book and pointing to grandpa.  Apparently grandpa is called grandma now.  Lily also enjoyed getting to meet two kitties this weekend.  She worked up the nerve to pet one.  Lily is having so much fun in Wisconsin, I think she will be sad to leave.  New words this week are owl and bath. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Busy girl

mommy toddler yoga

downward dog, while I do the same.  Morning workouts

second breakfast

New words this week are neigh, boat, more, milk, bath, boat, and poop. Lily likes to help clean at daycare. The staff say she is the only kid in her room who will happily help. I went to pick her up one day and she even finished picking up before she would leave with me. Lily has been coming to help me with my workouts lately by doing yoga moves. She can do downward and upward dog. She also does downward dog with one leg in the air as she has seen me do this. Keeps me entertained and motivated. Love her!