Saturday, November 19, 2016

I got you!

Lily's favorite game right now is "I got you!" and "I got your nose!"  She like to grab your nose and then put it on her face.  Then she will of course give it back and smoosh it into your face.  Both of these games involve grabbing your face or extremities multiples times a day.  Her new favorite activity is playing cards, but mostly with her grandmas and grandpas as they appear to be the best at cards.  She is very happy to see Grandma and Grandpa!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Fall Program

This last week Lily had her Fall Program at school.  We had pretty low expectations for a program put on by two year olds, but it was dang cute!  Lily walked in with a giant smile on her face.  She didn't participate in the story or songs, but she did hop on the bubble and had a blast.  We were very proud of her.  The following day was picture day and her teacher reported that things did not go quite as well and I think it is safe to say we can expect a crying picture in our future. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Lily had a great Halloween.  First she had a halloween parade and party at daycare and then she went trick or treating with her bff later.  She was so excited about wearing her turtle costume and told us all day that Anna would be a doctor and Lily will be a turtle.  Trick or treating went mostly well, but Lily did tell us a couple times, "I scared, I scared."  She didn't quite get taking the candy herself and mostly just stared into people's homes.  At one point she asked me what's in there pointing to her pumpkin and then she answered her own question by saying, "Treats!"  She had her first real piece of candy and I let her choose anything she wanted, she chose a tootsie roll.  She ate half and then shoved the entire thing in her mouth.  Travis tried to get her to take off her costume and she told us each time "leave on."  She even asked to wear her costume to bed.  When I put her to bed, I asked her what made her happy today and she told me "turtle costume" and then "I wear turtle tomorrow."  I guess someone likes Halloween.