Saturday, December 13, 2014

15 weeks

Lily wakes up so happy.  We are not sure
 she is really our child in the mornings.  

Lily got to see Santa at daycare.  She was not buying it that this was a good thing.  
little elf
little penguin

loves to eat her feet
Lily is changing and growing every day.  The staff at daycare always comment on how strong she is and how long she is.  They say she loves tummy time and sometimes sits in the bumbo seat.  She is really starting to get good at grabbing things.  She pulled her jitter toy this week and made it jitter all by herself by pulling down on it.  She also pushed the button on a toy with her foot to make it play music.  These are accidental, but still impressive.  She is loving her feet right now.  She chews on her socks until they are wet and we take them off so she can chew on her bare feet.  Lily is so smiley and happy.  She is the best!

15 weeks

Decorating the tree. 

Sick baby. :(

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