Saturday, March 14, 2015

28 weeks

nap time with daddy

eating her peas

visiting Aiden and her new friend, Emmelin.
I can't believe Lily was this small just six months ago!

We got some family photos taken.  Here is a preview.

Lily had her first swimming lessons this week.
She makes the most hilarious face when she comes
out from going under water.  She was
also the only baby that didn't cry.  

uh oh, I think I see yummy food in Addie's future.
Lily is learning how to push Addie away when she licks

Lily's interesting sleeping position at daycare

Lily is starting to figure out how she will crawl.
She crawled one step last night before she fell.

toy basket!
fun game giving Addie her toy to lick

28 weeks

Another exciting week for Lily.  This week Lily starting saying mama (3/8).  She figured out how to say it and now says it all the time.  We are still working on other sounds like dada.  :)  She had her first swimming lessons and did such a great job.  She really loves the water!  She went under water 5 times and didn't cry once, but her eyes bug out of her head when she gets out.  She is also starting to figure out how she is going to get to start this whole crawling thing.  Last night she got herself in position a couple times and once even crawled a step before she fell.  She got herself from sitting to tummy and back to sitting which was another first.  She is still enjoying eating and tried peas and zucchini this week.  Lily is also really enjoying hanging out with Addie this week.  She loves to share her toys, to get kisses from Addie, and to "chase" Addie which involves us holding her and going to find where Addie is.  This girl loves her pup!

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