Sunday, June 28, 2015

43 weeks

Lily went to watch daddy play ultimate frisbee and
got to climb on the stairs at the playground.
She caught on to climbing the stairs right away.  
water baby

playing at daycare
splash day at daycare

enjoying our Saturday at Denver Flea
lunch with mommy during the work week

hanging out with dogs too much

Lily seems to be back to her happy self toward the end of this week.  She had a terrible diaper rash and a tooth breaking through, but hopefully that is done for now.  She is playing, squealing, and cruising like a crazy woman.  She had her first splash day at daycare this week and loved it from the pictures they sent.  She gets to have splash day twice a week all summer, so we should have a happy girl.  This weekend Lily and I met some friends at Denver Flea downtown then went to the patio at a local restuarant for some dinner.  We were with some new friends and they kept commenting on how well behaved and sweet Lily is.  I think she was on her best behavior.  :)  Today Lily slept until 9, we ate breakfast, and then went outside to play in the water.  Lily just loves being outside and loves the water.  Daddy went backpacking in the mountains and will get home today so Lily will be excited to see him.  This week she started a new fun thing when we get her from daycare.  As soon as you pick her up she starts waving goodbye to the staff; it is so adorable.  She gets more fun everyday!

10 Months

Sunday, June 21, 2015

42 weeks

using her floatie as a walker in the kiddie pool

walked to breakfast at Duffy Roll.
Lily wearing her shirt for Father's Day.  

new helmet to ride behind daddy on bike rides
water table or dog bowl?

Lily loves brushing her teeth

Lily is teething this week and it has been a little rocky. She also got a pretty bad diaper rash which she doesn't typically get so she is not her normal self. She still managers to have a busy and fun week though. She had her friend, Anna, over to play and for Father's Day she got a bike helmet so we could all go out for a ride. Lily rode in her chariot behind daddy's bike. She also went swimming with her friend, Sierra.  She used her floatie to walk around the kiddie pool.  She had so much fun at the pool.  

Happy Father's Day

Lily would like to say Happy Father's Day to all the amazing men in her life; her daddy, grandpas, great grandpas, and uncles.  We love you!

Monday, June 15, 2015

41 weeks

went back to Wisconsin for a visit with family and to spend time on the lake. She had a good time, but it was a little rough. She got two new teeth with two more just popping through so it did not make for a happy Lily. We also found out before we left that she has another ear infection. She had a nice visit with family but she was very clingy with mommy and daddy and just not her normal happy self. Two long days of travel didn't help, but Lily did a great job. She didn't cry on the plane and held it together like a champ with days of 9 hours of travel. That 14 hour drive in August doesn't sound as bad anymore. Lily loved waving to everyone, giving high fives, and making kissing noises. She also babbled lots and I think she may even finally be saying dada. She enjoyed seeing everyone but I think it is safe to say that cousin Aiden was her favorite. She loved when Aiden was around and just watched everything he did. Now we are looking forward to getting back into our normal routine. Let's hope for lots of sleep tonight.