Sunday, June 21, 2015

42 weeks

using her floatie as a walker in the kiddie pool

walked to breakfast at Duffy Roll.
Lily wearing her shirt for Father's Day.  

new helmet to ride behind daddy on bike rides
water table or dog bowl?

Lily loves brushing her teeth

Lily is teething this week and it has been a little rocky. She also got a pretty bad diaper rash which she doesn't typically get so she is not her normal self. She still managers to have a busy and fun week though. She had her friend, Anna, over to play and for Father's Day she got a bike helmet so we could all go out for a ride. Lily rode in her chariot behind daddy's bike. She also went swimming with her friend, Sierra.  She used her floatie to walk around the kiddie pool.  She had so much fun at the pool.  

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