Sunday, July 19, 2015

46 weeks

enjoying her lunch 

future backpacker

Lily thought appliance shopping was pretty boring.

splash day at daycare, Lily's favorite!

We go for a walk every night and now
we have to stop at the playground to play too.  

picnic at the Botanic Gardens

maybe this is how?

Is this how I put my shoe on?

helping mommy garden

I think that Lily gets more and more fun every week.  This week she is on the move and working on getting the nerve to walk.  She takes a few steps every night, but falls quickly.  We went appliance shopping earlier in the week, which Lily thought was very boring.  She met her friends for a fun time at the Botanic Gardens then on Sunday she helped mommy with some gardening.  She mostly sat and played, but toward the end she felt the need to come help.  Our neighbor came over to see Lily and comment on how well behaved she was while I gardened.  She is the sweetest.  Play time is so fun now as Lily will play games like peekaboo and throw a ball back and forth.  She learned how to stack blocks this week and stacked three high.  She is always watching and learning so many new things!

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