Monday, May 23, 2016

Hiking and shopping

Some fun things this week; Lily loves to look for bunnies and gets so excited when we see them in the yard or when we are out for a walk.  It isn't too hard to find them in our neighborhood.  She then says "nunny, hop hop!"  Lily had fun on our hike over the weekend and anytime she started to get bored we had to sing songs.  She loves twinkle twinkle little star and the wheels on the bus.  She just started saying "uh oh, spaghetti oh!"  She must have learned it at daycare, it is so cute.  She is obsessed with her Colorado shirt because her friend Kaya has one and daddy has one too!  In the morning Lily wakes up and tells me what is going on in the house, "Daddy shower" and "Coffee."  She is so funny!

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