What does Lily love to do? Clean! Tonight Lily was drinking her milk from her big girl cup and she spilled a little. She walked over to the cabinet got a few papertowels and cleaned up her mess. She then went and threw the papertowels in the trash. She did this all without any prompting or us even realizing she had spilled. This weekend we went to a baby shower and another girl was playing in a little ball pit and throwing all the balls out of the pit. Lily watched her but didn't join in. Then the girl was asked to put the balls back in the ball pit and Lily jumped up and picked up every single ball. The girl likes order. Lily has also been singing more and more lately. Tonight she sang me a song she made up that involved just repeating the word yellow over and over. When we were in the car the other day I was listening to Weezer and scream-singing in the car. Lily decided to join in by also scream-singing. It was awesome! I have never been so proud!
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