Have you ever thought one minute, this child is the sweetest and cutest, and the next, this child is a monter? Well that very much describes Lily lately. I think that the terrible two's are starting and Lily is learning how to assert herself. She loves to snuggle, dance, sing, and play, but moments later she will have a full on meltdown about getting dressed or going to the bathroom. Morning and night have turned into constant battles and every morning she tells us she wants to stay home even though she LOVES school. I think it is just really wanting to do the opposite of what is required of her. Her other favorite phrase is, "I want to help you." She wants to help give Addie her pills, help cook dinner, help fold laundry, help clean. It is also amazing to see that she can get her own snacks and gets the things within her reach ready each morning for her breakfast. Independent girl on the way!
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