We had a fun weekend! We went to our neighbors to enjoy a nice fire on Friday. Saturday we headed to the farmer's marker to get peaches and Lily got a Unicorn painted on her arm. Then we got to babysit for Anna Saturday night. Our plans to go to the park and have a picnic were ruined by the weather so we had a picnic in the backyard and walked to the park later. We also painted toenails and braided hair. I think it was a successful "sleepover" (Anna went home around 10 so slept a little at our house. Sunday we went to the beach, went to the Wash Park (as Lily calls it), and went for ice cream. And some commentary from today....
The conversation at dinner tonight:
“Oliver hit me with a hammer. He hit me in the head. I told him, I don’t like it!”
Lily woke up this morning and had peed in her bed (she
stopped wearing pull ups at night a few months ago and this was her first
accident). Here is what I heard from
L: Daddy my sheet is wet
T:Oh it’s ok, looks like you had an accident. It happens.
L: No daddy, I didn’t have an accident. It’s just wet.
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