Thursday, October 2, 2014

5 Weeks

Lily is 5 weeks old today and she has had a good and bad week.  She has been pretty fussy at night and was not sleeping great, up until last night when she slept amazing (hope I don't jinx it).  For her 4th week of life she got to go to lunch with her Auntie Erin along with her buddy Aiden, a brunch with some friends, and another lunch date with her Auntie Tasha.  She also had a visit with her Auntie Cassy and new buddy, Sierra.  As if that wasn't enough fun, her grandma Lori came to visit for a few nights.  Lily showed off by screaming bloody murder every night, but luckily Grandma still seems to like her.  My peanut may fuss at night, but during the day she is a little angel.  This is good because at least there are two of us at night.  This week Lily is really starting to smile more, even though sometimes its just gas.  She loves her monkey mobile and her jittery toys. 

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