Thursday, October 30, 2014

9 weeks

best friends

we go to a mommy group every Friday
and Lily loves watching the other kids.

Hudson Gardens
looking at Addie, see the snout in the pic

tired after Skying with her cousin, Keena

enjoying the fall weather

9 weeks

Lily turned 9 weeks today.  This week she had her two month doctor appointment and got her shots.  She screamed at first but calmed down when I fed her and then passed out for a few hours.  She did fine until the evening when she needed a dose of Tylenol.  She has just been extra sleepy since then.  She weighs 10 lbs 4 oz and is 22.4 inches long.  She is in the 23 percentile for weight and 49 percentile for height.  She is growing and healthy!  This week Lily had a night in with daddy, had dinner out with friends (screamed almost all the way through dinner), and went to mommy-baby yoga.  During Yoga, Lily pooped her pants (very loudly) and spit up all over then farted several times at the end while we were relaxing. I think she needs some lessons on appropriate yoga behavior.  Lily was rolling last week, but this week she is lazy and doesn't want to do any more rolling.  We will have to see if she is up for it this next week.  

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