Friday, November 28, 2014

3 Months

13 weeks. Happy Thanksgiving!

last day at baby-mommy yoga

daddy dressed me...

just chatting with daddy

13 weeks


This week was the last week of my maternity leave and it really has gone by fast.  Thanksgiving seems an appropriate time for it to come to an end and to return to work.  I am so thankful for this opportunity to stay home with Lily everyday and watch her grow.  She is becoming more fun each day.  Lily used to be fussy at night, but I don't remember the last time Travis and I had to take turns holding her to eat dinner or sit on the exercise ball to bounce her for an hour.  The other night she happily played on her playmat for a full hour.  She loves to grab things now and often even falls asleep while holding a toy.  She is rolling from her tummy to her back, but sometimes she will still protest and refuse.  She rolls from her back to her side, but doesn't seem to want to roll all the way over.  When she is on the floor she can spin herself in almost a full circle when given time to be just where she wants.  She is such a happy girl!  I am sad that maternity leave is ending but I am also thankful for a good job to return to and a trusting daycare center for Lily.  It is going to be a rough week ahead, but I know it will be good for both of us.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Almost 3 Months

Lily will be three months old on Friday.  I took a few pictures yesterday.  We are off to mommy-baby yoga and enjoying our last official day of maternity leave.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

12 weeks

interesting sleeping position

ready for her first day of daycare

grabbing her rings

look, I can sit in the Bumbo now!

12 weeks!

playing with Sierra
afternoon walk with her sister

Lily had a very exciting week.  She went to daycare for two days this week and did great.  She napped well and was smiley when I went to pick her up.  I did not do well, but I know it will get easier.  I am grieving the end of maternity leave and trying to cherish our last weeks.  Some things I will miss are my afternoon walks with both of my girls, the playtime with my friends who stay at home, breastfeeding (I don't look forward to going back to pumping), sleeping in (I often feed Lily and put her back in her crib or bring her to bed with me for a little extra sleep in the morning), getting smiles from Lily all day long, and naps together (even if I don't really nap).  I am so thankful for this wonderful time with Lily.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Lily missed Addie. 

Relaxing after a long first day at daycare 

Who gets the toy?

Monday, November 17, 2014

11 weeks

Great Grandma
Great Grandpa
first airplane ride, slept the entire time

meeting great grandma & grandpa

Lily loved playing with her cousin!

meeting cousin Aiden

meeting great grandparents!

meeting Aunt Kelly!
Scooby supervised Lily during nap time

uncle Matt

new bff!

plane ride home
Lily had a very busy week meeting lots of family and friends in Wisconsin.  She rode on a plane for the first time and did great!  She slept during the flights both ways and only made a few peeps on the way back to Denver.  Lily loved meeting everyone, but was especially excited about her cousins, Aiden and Keena.  She wanted to watch them whenever they were around.  She can't wait to see everyone again on her next trip.