Friday, November 21, 2014

12 weeks

interesting sleeping position

ready for her first day of daycare

grabbing her rings

look, I can sit in the Bumbo now!

12 weeks!

playing with Sierra
afternoon walk with her sister

Lily had a very exciting week.  She went to daycare for two days this week and did great.  She napped well and was smiley when I went to pick her up.  I did not do well, but I know it will get easier.  I am grieving the end of maternity leave and trying to cherish our last weeks.  Some things I will miss are my afternoon walks with both of my girls, the playtime with my friends who stay at home, breastfeeding (I don't look forward to going back to pumping), sleeping in (I often feed Lily and put her back in her crib or bring her to bed with me for a little extra sleep in the morning), getting smiles from Lily all day long, and naps together (even if I don't really nap).  I am so thankful for this wonderful time with Lily.

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