Saturday, April 25, 2015

34 Weeks

on the move

meeting her cousin, Elyse

family time
dad, I like Tiramasu
Lily get's excited when Addie brings
her ball back when playing fetch

Lily continues to explore and move more each week.  She is now crawling around in a few different ways using her army crawl and a crawl where she keeps one leg folded the the other up more like walking.  She is getting more content being on the floor as she is able to move more and more.  She likes to follow us to every room.  She is holding onto an ottoman to stand and has even transferred from the ottoman to the couch.  She will pull to stand using items that are low, but won't use a table to do this yet.  Lily was sleeping through the night, but this week she has been off and is getting up two to three times a night.  I am assuming that we may find out why soon enough...tooth, growing, getting ready for a new milestone; your guess is as good as mine.

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