Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Halloween parade at daycare

My little pumpkin's first Halloween is starting off great.  Yesterday she had a parade and party at daycare.  She was the only one in her room that walked for the parade.  The teacher told us she was planning to have her walk and I thought they were in for a treat of Lily standing there frozen or screaming, but she proved me wrong!  She walked around the entire room filled with strangers holding onto her favorite teacher's hand!  I was so proud of her!  We carved her first pumpkin last night and painted one this morning.  She wasn't very into either of these things, but she did pay attention for about 3 minutes.  :)  I got Lily two costumes at a consignment sale and couldn't decide what she should be so yesterday she was a strawberry and today she will be a monkey.  Her best friend, Anna, is coming over tonight to trick or treat.  I can't wait to see those two walking in their costumes even if we only make it to one house.  

the aftermath of Lily's party!

much needed back after all the partying!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Whoa and Uh Oh

brushing Addie

The words of the week are whoa and uh oh.  Lily had a great week despite having a slight cold and a few tantrums.  She is loving trips to the grocery store and loves the attention she is getting.  She is also getting more comfortable with people who are not mommy and daddy.  We went to the park today and our friend brought a little soccer ball which Lily thought was the coolest thing EVER.  She threw it and kicked it.  I think we have a future athlete on our hands.  She is one tough and independent girl, who also likes her snuggles.  :)

helping mommy bring in groceries

Lily now wants to hold Addie's leash.
Not sure Addie thinks that this is a good idea.  

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pumpkin picks her pumpkin

It's fall and that means it's time for the pumpkin patch.  We got to go on a hay ride and Lily picked out her pumpkin.  The funnest part of the day was watching her toddle around the pumpkin patch finding all the pumpkins she wanted.  She is having a nice weekend with her grandma and grandpa Krings.  They babysat last night and have been watching her so that mommy and daddy can get some things done.  I am sure she will be sad to see them go, as will we.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Books and Boxes

The word of the week is book and Lily is obsessed.  She finds a book everywhere and says book, book.  Her other favorite is dogs.  We go to the park everynight and she point from the playground to every dog that passes.  She also then starts to bark.  She is trying to eat with the spoon right now and makes quite the mess as you can see.  Her favorite new found toy is boxes.  We ordered a few things this week and she loves the boxes.  They can be drums, chairs, push many options.  Just a happy and wild girl.