Earlier this week Lily and I had some stomach trouble and she managed to puke on me not once, but twice. She rebounded quickly though and seems rather unaffected. Sunday night we walked to the park to watch the eclipse and we were sitting in the park hanging out enjoying ourselves and all of a sudden bleh. We thought it was just the changing moon. Then Tuesday night I was cuddling with Lily getting ready for bed and she vomits all over both of us. Travis was not home so Lily got her first shower. She was not very happy about it either. Lily loves being on the move and doing things for herself. She is getting more and more independent everyday, but is still glued to us when strangers are around. Strangers only include people though, not dogs. This weekend my cousin, Andy, and his dog, Jetson, are staying with us and Lily loves Jetson and is cautiously optimistic about Andy. I don't think Lily would be opposed to getting another dog at any point, but I am not sure Addie is in agreement.
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