Sunday, February 7, 2016


Lily's new word this week is "No!"  She has been shaking and nodding her head for awhile to indicate preference, but this week she started saying no and it is apparently her new favorite word.  She loves to tell us just what she wants.  Do you want to eat-NO!  Do you want to get dressed-NO!  Do you want to change your diaper-NO!  The other discovery this week is how much Lily loves putting babies in blankets.  I saw her do this at daycare and the staff said she does it constantly.  She has babies at home and never touches them so I pulled out some old baby blankets and sure enough she found every baby and stuffed animal she has and they are all swaddled.  She carries them all over the house.  Lily continues to practice her downward dog and she got a new yoga mat this weekend from Grandma!  It is fair to say she was slightly excited.  New words this week are No, Yeah, Lily, Anna (more like An or Annie), and apple.  

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