Snow, no thanks. Shopping, yes please! This week I took Lily shopping a couple times and she had a blast! Over the weekend we went to Kohls where Lily tried on all the sunglasses then chose a pair to walk around the store with on her belly. She also insisted on coming into the dressing room with Travis and I. It snowed all weekend so we had to plan indoor activities which involved going to see Anna. Lily had so much fun at Anna's house! It is the only place I have seen her walk in and be perfectly at home. She ran in, jumped on Anna's bed, and played with all of Anna's toys. She also ran around their place like a crazy lady as they each told the other what to do. Then Sunday we went sledding with Anna. Lily was not a fan. The only words she said were, "No! No!" and "All done!" I took her down the hill a few times and then we were done. Lily seems to love the outdoors, but I am not so sure about a love for snow. A few of her new words this week are one more, three, four, love you, and happy.
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