Saturday, January 7, 2017

Happy 2017

Lily got to ring in the new year in the mountains and we took her sledding.  She wasn't much into new year's eve, but still had a fun time.  She has been welcoming the new year by continuing to be an insane and fun 2 year old.  Some things she enjoys saying recently are, "I'm a dirty little pigeon."  She has been reading the Pigeon takes a Bath lately and just thinks that it is hilarious!  We also continue to tackle potty training and Lily has Elmo underwear.  When I put the on lately she likes to tell us, "I'm gonna pee on Elmo."  Well take that attempts at potty training!  She also likes to keep us on our toes with fun answers to questions.  The other night Travis asked Lily what she wants to be when she grows up and she responded "a princess."  And Travis knew he had failed as a father.  We are going to work on some other answers.  :)

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