The other day I heard the song "Brave" while I was driving and it reminded me of my breastfeeding journey. In the weeks when Lily refused to breastfeed I tried everything; sitting in a quiet room, using a nipple shield, giving part of a bottle first, deep breathing, a small tube, dropping breastmilk on my nipple, you name it. Some things worked occasionally and then they wouldn't and I wanted to give up. I started listening to music and singing to Lily while I would try to feed her. I was hoping that this would keep us both relaxed and happy while we struggled. This didn't work all the time, or even most of the time for that matter, but one day it did work and I was listening to "Brave." I replayed this song or just sang it on a regular basis after that. It had no actual relation to helping Lily start to nurse, but I think it gave me something to hold on to when I was struggling through. Eventually Lily did start to breastfeed and has since become a pro. When I heard this song in the car I started to tear up because it reminded me how lucky I am; to have a beautiful baby, to have a healthy baby, to have the option to breastfeed, and to have been given this amazing opportunity to be a mom. So many woman struggle with different aspects of motherhood and this was one of my struggles.
At 2 weeks Lily loved her bottle. I was exclusively pumping and still trying to get her to latch at every feeding. |
a moment of peace as we struggled for Lily to eat |
The lactation consultant recommended as much skin to skin as possible. |
At Lily's two month appointment I was exclusively breastfeeding and so happy! I didn't even bring milk with me just in case she wouldn't latch. |