Friday, January 2, 2015

4 Months

Lily had her 4 month appointment today and we found out she has a double ear infection.  She has been sick for 3-4 weeks (got a cold, was almost better, then got another cold), but she was only fussy for a couple days.  I took these pictures yesterday and she was as happy as ever.  I guess she is just a tough little girl.  She got her shots today and was a champ.  She cried a little, but then she ate and went to sleep on the car ride home.  Lily is only in the 16th percentile for weight, but the doctor says she is just petite.  Her height is in the 70th percentile though.  I am as shocked as you to hear a child of mine is petite, but I guess Trav's genes have won out on this one.  Happy New Year!

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