Sunday, January 4, 2015

18 weeks

Lily took a nap, woke up, and just hung out in her crib playing by herself.

New Year's Eve!

relaxing inside on a snowy day

We have a roller!  Lily rolled from her back
to her belly on New Year's Day!

Now all she wants to do is roll to her belly...

18 weeks
Lily had a long week.  She went out with us on New Year's Eve to our friend's house and she got to play with her friend, Aiden.  They even got to both put their jammies on.  She went to sleep in her car seat so we could stay out until midnight and didn't wake up until we got home.  New Year's day she decided to roll from her back to her belly for the first time!  She is excited about this new skill as she is doing it all the time now.  The next day she had her 4 month appointment at the doctor and we found out she has double ear infections.  She is on antibiotics now and we hope she will feel better soon.  She has been her happy, smiling self even with ear infections and the only real problem is she is not sleeping well.  Hopefully the meds will help her feel better soon and we can all get some sleep!  Lily also got to hang out with our friend Jen and her little boy, Matthew, yesterday so that Travis and I could go out to see the new Hunger Games movie.

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