Saturday, January 10, 2015

19 weeks

giving Addie her birthday treat

Lily really wants to sit up, but most
of the time she ends up falling onto her stomach.  
Lil's new kicks!
she recently discovered she likes to be upside down.
she won't sit straight in her swing anymore,
so we finally have to strap her in
my beautiful girl
always watching Addie
19 weeks

This week Lily had a couple firsts; she played in the snow for the first time and she started holding her bottle by herself.  Daycare told us that she started to hold her bottle (she doesn't get bottles at home) and they said now she only wants to hold it herself.  She is little miss independence.  She figured out how to roll to her belly last week and now she rarely will stay on her back.  She is ready to go and do all the big girl stuff now.  She seems frustrated that she can't do everything yet and will yell in anger that she can't move around on her belly.  She also started to throw things.  I don't think this is really on purpose, but she has quite the little arm on her.  Her ear infections seem to be getting better and she has a few more days of antibiotics.  She is as happy as ever and such a perfect baby!

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