Monday, December 28, 2015

16 Months

My happy little peanut is 16 months old today.  Some days I want to freeze time so she will never change and other days I want her to get older so she will learn to pick up her damn toys.  I walked into the house today and I thought maybe a tornado had hit.  There were toys, shoes, even tupperware thrown across my living room floor.  Then in the corner a giant car.  When did my living room turn into a playroom?  I can't help but laugh and just think of all the fun she has every day playing and making a huge mess.  I know that someday I will miss that giant mess so I will remind myself of that and cherish every chaotic second.  

I must also share that in the picture above I took about 20 pictures and told Lily to go sit by the tree about ten times.  She obeyed every single time and sat with a smile.  Whose kid does that?!?!

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