Sunday, December 20, 2015

Farts are funny.

snow day!

first time sledding
favorite book of the week


We are raising some little lady.  Every time she or her dad fart she busts out laughing, which makes us laugh and the cycle continues.  I suppose this may make her appealing to the boys down the road?  The week started out with a stomach bug for mommy and ended with a stomach bug for daddy.  Fortunately we had fun in between.  We had a snow day on Tuesday and spent the day inside snuggling until daddy's work closed early and he thought we should go sledding.  Lily was very serious the entire time and didn't know what to think.  She went down three times and then cried and told us she was all done.  She was a pretty good sport as it was very cold.  Another fun day was Saturday morning when Lily spent the morning running around the house.  Then grandma called and I told Lily I was talking to grandma and she pointed to the television (this is where she skypes with people).  She got to skype with both of her grandparents and she was SO excited!  On to another week and hoping for s healthy family for Christmas.  

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