Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's all fun and games until someone gives you to Santa!

big girl at daycare, eating at the table
new favorite book!

opening gifts from grandma and grandpa
she had to carry her coat to the car

new favorite activity is closing the bathroom
 door to play hide and seek!

daddy and Lily night to the DU hockey game!

Lily had a busy week.  Wednesday, she had a holiday party at day care.  We got to the party in time to watch Lily decorate a graham crackers which involved her eating frosting with a popsicle stick.  She was having a blast!  Then we took her to see Santa, which she did not think was quite as good of an idea.  It went about as I expected, lots of screaming.  Later that night Lily got a tummy bug which involved puking on both of her parents and then finally in a puke bowl.  I was quite impressed that she seemed to know just what to do once we got a bowl out for her.  She was feeling better the next morning.  She also managed to pass the bug along to mommy over the weekend.  Over the weekend Lily got to see our friends Wade, Jen, and Matthew and they took her to a hcokey game with daddy.  It was daddy and Lily night out to her first sporting event and daddy reported that she did great and even watched some of the game.  Taking a noisy girl to a public event seems to always go fine as she just wants to know what everyone else is doing.  Lily also got a new monkey chair from our friends and all day she has been petting and kissing it.  

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