Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What made you happy today?

One of my girlfriends told me that each night before bed she asks her daughter what made her happy that day.  I love this and I have started to ask Lily this question some nights.  Last night I said what made you happy today and she responded, "You!"  I think my heart may have burst.  She is such a sweetie.  This week we went to the Wild Animal Sanctuary, for a hike, and to the pool along with many trips to the park.  Lily rode her new bike in front of the house, but would only go down about one or two houses before she was done with that.  At the park she has been very into pushing mommy or daddy down the slide.  She gets to the top of the equipment and says "push" and "mommy's turn."  She will push me and the she says, "Lily's turn!"  It is so sweet and fun.  She is going through a pretty good stage right now as well with routines.  She is so much easier to get ready in the morning and she has it down that she plays at the park for a little while and them we say bye park with no tantrums.  Hoping this stage will last awhile!

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