Wednesday, October 5, 2016

"Go to sleep!"

"Addie, go to sleep!"

Last week it was just Lily and mommy as daddy was on a work trip.  We survived the week and Friday morning we celebrated our success by going to get bagels.  We are them on the couch while watching tv.  It was wonderful.  Lily went to school eventually, but we made it a lazy day.  Saturday we went for a hike to see the leaves changing in the mountains.  Lily loves riding in her backpack on hikes.  We took her for a hike on Saturday and when we got back we left the backpack in the garage.  Each time she sees it she tells us how it is Lily's backpack and she wants to go in her backpack.  We had to share that unfortunately we will not be carrying her everywhere. 

On Sunday Lily had more entertainment for the day.  She spent the entire morning putting Addie to bed.  She would yell at Addie to lay down and then she would cover her with a blanket when Addie finally gave in.  She would then read her a book or just yell at her to "go to sleep!"  What a good mommy. 

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