Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Who needs to know the words?

Tonight Lily was pretending to be a frog and hopping around the house.  She then found her broom and was cleaning the house with mommy.   She just loves finding fun all night long.  But her real fun lately has been singing.  We went for a long run/walk on a trail near us and Lily sang at the top of her lungs for at least half the time.  She loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle and Wheels on the Bus.  My absolute favorite is when she sings Wheels on the bus as the lyrics go like this, "wheels on the bus go round and round, people shhh, shhh."  I think she thinks the bus driver is telling the people on the bus to be quiet and I really hope she never learns how to sing it correctly.  It is just the best. 

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