Saturday, February 7, 2015

23 Weeks

Lily can't stay awake any longer.

spinning in a circle...

sick baby still wakes up smiling!
visiting Lily during the day at
daycare, makes my day!

I left Lily on her boppy and left the
room.  I came back to find her
like this, no idea how she got here.  

23 weeks

This week Lily was sick, again!  She is on antibiotics for her ear infection and had a fever midweek.  Mommy got to stay home with her on Thursday and daddy stayed home on Friday.  Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this weekend too!  Lily may be sick, but she wouldn't let anyone know as she is as happy as ever.  She is spending lots of time sitting and on her belly.  She is able to spin and push herself backwards on her belly now.  She started putting her head on the floor when she is on her belly which I think she just realized she can do.  She is so interested in watching Addie now.  In the bottom pictures she is looking at Addie and smiling.

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