Thursday, February 19, 2015

25 weeks

reading her US weekly
working with daddy
playing dress up in her fun winter clothes

ring master!

boyfriend at daycare

Lily loves her new bath!

This week I am noticing more and more the new funny things Lily is doing. They have been developing over the last month and are becoming part of her everyday personality. She has this excited laugh that Travis and I have decided is her dog panting noise. Often while panting like a dog she will also flail her arms up and down. It is quite the entertaining sight. Her other favorite thing to do is scream!  She loves to scream in delight when playing, when listening to music, or just when you smile at her. I don't know how we got so lucky to have such a sweet natured, happy, easy going, fun baby but she reminds me daily how amazing she is. Travis and I sometimes fight to pick her up from daycare at the end of the day because she is always so excited to see you. There is nothing better in the entire world. Love you, peanut!

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