Saturday, February 28, 2015

26 weeks

Halfway to a year. It has all gone so fast. It still feels a little surreal. I really didn't know this amount of happiness was possible until I met my sweet girl. Mommy loves you!  This week was a busy on with grandma and grandpa in town. We went shopping, out to eat, and hung out at their hotel. The most exciting thing was taking Lily swimming for the first time. She was seemed mostly indifferent to swimming but she did manage to have some fun splashing and zooming around the pool. Lily also stayed with grandma and grandpa while mommy and daddy had a couple nights away in the mountains.  Lily did great and we enjoyed our time, but I was ready to get back.  Today we realized she got her second tooth which is just barely poking through.  So much activity for this little girl!

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