Saturday, February 14, 2015

24 Weeks

first tooth!  2/10/15

Valentine from daycare!

24 weeks

The big news this week is that Lily got her first tooth!  I just happened to put my finger in her mouth which I don't do as much as when she was first born and I felt it.  She seems to only want to play with teething type toys right now so the tooth is still cutting through.  Lily had a nice weekend with her Grandma and Grandpa Krings visiting.  Travis and I got to go for a night out, run errands, and even went to the gym at the same time!  Definitely makes me wish that we had family a little closer.  The other big news is that Lily is liking to take baths like a big girl this week.  We got her a little tub that she can sit up in and she had so much fun splashing and playing.  We just signed her up for swimming lessons for March because I think she is going to love the water.  Lily had a nice Valentine's day at daycare.  She got gifts from a couple of her teachers and they made a Valentine for Mom and Dad.  I love her daycare staff!  Happy Valentine's Day!

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